full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Ethan Hawke: Give yourself permission to be creative

Unscramble the Blue Letters

My great-grandmother, Della Hall Walker geern, on her deetahbd, she wrote this little biography in the hospital, and it was only about 36 paegs long, and she spent about five pages on the one time she did costumes for a play. Her first husband got, like, a paragraph. coottn farming, of which she did for 50 years, gets a mention. Five pages on doing these costumes. And I look — my mom gave me one of her quilts that she made, and you can feel it. She was exnreisspg herself, and it has a power that's real.

Open Cloze

My great-grandmother, Della Hall Walker _____, on her ________, she wrote this little biography in the hospital, and it was only about 36 _____ long, and she spent about five pages on the one time she did costumes for a play. Her first husband got, like, a paragraph. ______ farming, of which she did for 50 years, gets a mention. Five pages on doing these costumes. And I look — my mom gave me one of her quilts that she made, and you can feel it. She was __________ herself, and it has a power that's real.


  1. green
  2. deathbed
  3. cotton
  4. pages
  5. expressing

Original Text

My great-grandmother, Della Hall Walker Green, on her deathbed, she wrote this little biography in the hospital, and it was only about 36 pages long, and she spent about five pages on the one time she did costumes for a play. Her first husband got, like, a paragraph. Cotton farming, of which she did for 50 years, gets a mention. Five pages on doing these costumes. And I look — my mom gave me one of her quilts that she made, and you can feel it. She was expressing herself, and it has a power that's real.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
human creativity 2

Important Words

  1. biography
  2. costumes
  3. cotton
  4. deathbed
  5. della
  6. expressing
  7. farming
  8. feel
  9. gave
  10. green
  11. hall
  12. hospital
  13. husband
  14. long
  15. mention
  16. mom
  17. pages
  18. paragraph
  19. play
  20. power
  21. quilts
  22. real
  23. spent
  24. time
  25. walker
  26. wrote
  27. years